Sunday, June 18, 2006

Spend It Wisely

The destruction of capital in one place can enhance the value of capital elsewhere. So the voluntary abdication of heritage by peoples through intermarriage might well be just what those in the elite, who advocate mixing of peoples whilst keeping themselves aloof from the fray, would seek, the better to elevate themselves above the (voluntarily-degenerated) proles of the various peoples of the world.

These advocates of a biological analogue of communism, with all differences dissolved into some homogenised anthropic alloy, seem to suggest that all the inter-ethnic/racial strife so characteristic of different peoples brought together cheek by jowl by money & power will then be gone.

It won't: instead of a small relatively clear-cut group of ethnic blocs instead there will be a more finely-graded mass, a multi-axial racialised space (to use the parlance of some PoMo twat or other). Pigmentogracy.


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